There has been a recent buzz concerning eye designer jewelry placed surgically underneath the ocular conjunctiva. If this is a procedure you have considered as body art, DON’T. Although there are surgeons who will be willing to surgically invade your eye to place small trinkets and jewelry, this is a big mistake. It is certainly not worth the risk of a severe ocular infection, perforation of your eye, or chronic irritation. The American Academy of Ophthalmology warns against such surgery and so do I. You only get one set of eyes. Take care of them and use them for what they were intended. Get up early and watch a beautiful sunrise. Go scuba diving and see the great miracle of the barrier reef. Travel the Serengeti and view the magnificent migration of the wildebeest. Skip the ocular surgery which may be dangerous and is certainly unnecessary.
Mark Fromer MD Medical Director of Fromer Eye Centers