
Color Blindness

Colorblind Artist watch the film An interview with Dr. Susan Fromer What is Colorblindness? Color blindness, or color vision deficiency, is the inability to perceive color differences under normal lighting conditions. Color blindness affects a significant percentage of the population. People usually have three types of cone cells in the eye. Each type senses either red, green

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Statins May Ease Macular Degeneration

News from Healthier LivingTHURSDAY, Feb. 4, 2016High doses of cholesterol-lowering statin drugs — medicines such as Lipitor, Crestor and Zocor — may help people with a common eye disease called macular degeneration, a small study suggests.In the early stage clinical trial, a team from Harvard Medical School assessed the effects of statin treatment in people

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Tips for Healthier Eyes

1. Take a 20-Second Computer Break. Staring at a computer (or any digital screen) won’t hurt your eyes, but it can make them feel tired and dry. Surprisingly, we blink about half as often when we’re looking at a screen. Follow the 20/20/20 rule: Every 20 minutes, look at least 20 feet away for at

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